A Bug In Your Ear

MARCH 16/02

On March 16, your new student council officially took office. In accordance with our bylaws, at the first meeting an executive was nominated and elected by the nine Councillors from amongst themselves. The election was held by secret ballot and presided over by scrutineers Judith Hughes (AU VP Student Services) and Christine Lynch (AUSU Staff). The results are as follows:

President: Debbie Jabbour – djabbour@ausu.org
Vice-president: Shirley Barg – sbarg@ausu.org
Secretary-Treasurer: Gurpreet Dulai – gdulai@ausu.org

In addition to the executive, your new Council consists of:

Karie-Ann Getta – kgetta@ausu.org
Darren Kereluk – dkereluk@ausu.org
Mac MacInnis – mmcinnis@ausu.org
Sandra Moore – smoore@ausu.org
Nicholas Palamarchuk – npalamar@ausu.org
Tamra Ross-Low – trosslow@ausu.org

Council members live in several different locations: Edmonton; Calgary; Medicine Hat; Andrew (Alberta) and Kamsack (Saskatchewan). Although we had hoped for candidates from more distant parts, new Council will be working hard to represent students no matter where they live. More detailed information about your representatives (bios and pictures) will be coming soon.


We are continuing to work on the redevelopment of our website. The Voice is finally back online, temporarily in pdf format. Other features of the site may take a bit longer. Unfortunately we’ve lost our discussion board and course reviews and it may be a few weeks before we can get something going again. In the interim, please feel free to email any of the new council members with your comments and feedback.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Debbie Jabbour
President, AUSU

Thanks to all of you who have been providing us with such great feedback on The Voice. Please continue providing your opinions, comments and support; any submissions can be sent to tmoore@ausu.org

Tammy Moore
Editor of The Voice