I found this to be a very sad and horrific story. It is bone-chilling to know that a Judge actually granted Custody of a 7-year old boy, to a man who has been accused and charged with such horrific acts of assault against the woman in this article.
The woman in this article requests to remain anonymous for safety reasons.
The first day of custody court commenced on January 22, 2002 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland.
This lady and her mother gave their testimonies and described incidents of abuse which had taken place in the marriage, and how the child involved was treated by both parents.
There was evidence provided to the court which showed, that this woman’s ex-husband committed several counts of assault toward her, members of her family, and even his own family. Evidence was provided to the court that showed this man is very violent, cruel and cold-hearted.
This lady and her family were in great hope that the Judge would grant custody to her the mother, because she had given evidence which proved she was a wonderful mother and loves and cares for her son unconditionally.
The court heard the testimonies of the opposing side on January 23, 2002.
They were unable to complete the court on that day, so the Judge asked the father to stay under an oath until he returned to court in February.
When court commenced in February 2002, the Judge made it known that he had already made a partial decision on this matter three days before the court commenced.
The testimonies of the opposing side and the closing arguments of both Lawyers were not even heard by the Judge. The Judge granted custody to the father and asked that the mother be given access to her son for the summer months.
When the Judge granted custody to the father, the mother told me she felt that the Justice System had failed her and doesn’t understand how this man had gained custody of her son.
She said, “maybe if this monster killed me, then the courts would see what type of man he really is, and I live every day in fear that my son will become his next victim.”
This woman stated that she was abused emotionally, physically and mentally by her ex-husband. She lives in constant fear every day even though she no longer resides in Newfoundland. Not only fear for herself, but mainly for her child.
In my personal opinion I believe that Justice wasn’t done in regards to this woman’s custody matter. I feel that it was unfair and that the decision made is incorrect. This woman has plenty of evidence to prove that this man is incapable of being a good father to the child.
How much does a woman have to endure before someone in the Justice System actually takes the time to listen and try and understand where they have been and what they are dealing with each day of their lives.
This was a very heartfelt and emotional article for me to write, but it was much more emotional and heartbreaking listening to this woman describe what she had to go through in the court room., and the final decision made by the Judge, devastated her when the father was granted custody of her child. This woman’s story has a right to be seen and heard, not only by members of the Justice system but nation wide.
It is such a horrible thought to think that there are so many more woman out there that are treated and has been treated unfair and unjust. Not only by our Justice Systems but also by many individuals.
To all the victims of abuse out there, “fight for your rights and never give up!” You have a right to be treated has a wonderful individual and you have a right to your own opinion.
I will continue to follow up on this story in the up coming months.
If you would like to give your opinions on this article and have them printed in my column, you can email them to me at: journalistforthevoice27@yahoo.com