Hello, everyone!
I wanted to take the time to point out a few of the new Voice features I have been receiving some questions about. The new format is easy to navigate, far more visually appealing, and has some incredible new and useful characteristics.
· SUBSCRIBING: On the bottom of the cover page of the Voice, as well as at the bottom of the right hand menu bar of each inside page, there is a Subscription Link. All you need to do is enter your email address and you will receive an email notification each and every week letting you know the new issue of the Voice is up on the site. To unsubscribe, simply click the unsubscribe button, and enter in the email address you used to initially subscribe, and you will no longer receive notification.
· SEARCHING: Search commands can also be found at the bottom of the menu bar on the right hand side of all inside pages of The Voice. These searches allow for you to search by authors, articles, news and events, or by letters to the editor. Please note that if you send a letter to the Editor for publication, it must be marked “FOR PUBLICATION”.
The search engines allow you to find past as well as current material. Type in a search word or author, and you should have no trouble finding the material you are looking for.
· ARCHIVES: Archives are all in PDF format, for easy printing, and also include the present week in their list. You can find the archive list as a link off of the cover page, or if you wish to return to the cover page from an inside page, hit the link “The Voice Home” at the top left in the grey area below the masthead at the top of each page. At the bottom of each inside page of The Voice, there is an archive link located at the bottom of the right menu bar names “Download a PDF Version of the Voice” that will take you to the Archive Menu as well as allow you to download your free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have it present on your computer.
· LINKS BELOW THE MASTHEAD: There are a series of links below the masthead of each inside page within The Voice. These allow you to navigate to other areas of the paper with ease. They will take you to the following sections:
· The Voice Home: This is the Voice cover page, which lists feature articles, as well as providing links to the Archives, Writer Policies, Subscription pages, and a link for those who wish to write for The Voice.
· About The Voice: This page gives a brief description about the paper, our sponsorship of AUSU, and also provides links to the General Policies of our paper as well as the Writer Policies.
· The Voice Writers: This page allows you to get to know our writers. Each of our writers and contributors to the Voice are listed here. Our AU writers have given brief bio’s to help you get to know them. Some of our writers are listed as CUP contributors. These writers are a part of the Canadian University Press, a collaborative organization which allows us to share and exchange stories with other Universities across Canada. As AU has students all over the globe, we try and use CUP articles to help round out our Canadian perspective, while still encouraging AU students from all areas of the world to write and contribute to their student paper.
· Contact The Voice: This area gives you contact information for reaching myself, as Editor of The Voice, and the members of AUSU, your Students’ Union who funds the Voice. If you need to contact any of us, please feel free to do so, we are always pleased to hear from AU students!
This page also provides a link to a feedback form! This is a very valuable feature that will help us form directions for further growth of The Voice. Please take the time to fill it out and share your ideas, thoughts, and needs regarding your student paper.
· News & Events: This is an information page that provides information on scholarships, conferences, rallies, meetings, student opportunities, job opportunities, and other interesting tidbits of information. Although most of the cultural events are those taking place in Alberta, any information you can submit that will help this section become more productive for all the students of AU would be appreciated. Mail all announcements to: voice@ausu.org
· Letters to The Editor: This is where all accepted letters to the Editor would be posted for student viewing. Currently, we have none, as letters must be marked “FOR PUBLICATION” if they are to be posted. If you have sent in a letter, and wish for it to be posted, please send me a note at voice@ausu.org
· AUSU Home: This is the link to the AUSU page. There is a lot of useful and helpful information for our AU students available here. Please check it out and see what your Students’ Union has been doing and can do for you in the future. Posted at this site are things like Student Services, Scholarship Information, and Message Boards for communicating with your many AU peers. If you have any questions about this site, see the CONTACT INFORMATION page at The Voice and you can be in touch with any of your AUSU representatives at any time!
The Voice does need new writers to continue to grow and expand out student newspaper. I would like to encourage all those interested to have a look at the General Policies and Writer Policies of The Voice, and forward submissions to voice@ausu.org. We need to work together and all contribute to make The Voice a rewarding experience for all our students. Your interests, school experiences, ideas, concerns and opinions can all be shared to help create that collaborative school experience between AU peers, regardless of distance or nationality. Share your voice with all of us!
Thank-you all for your continuing support and readership!
Tammy Moore
Editor of The Voice