Contributed By The Community Networks Group
September 25, 2002
Suite 710, Sun Life Place, 10123 – 99 Street
Dinner: 5:00-6:30 p.m. / Seminar: 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Question Period: 8:00-8:30 p.m. / Social time: 8:30-9:00 p.m.
Parking is available under The Citadel or on the street …
INFOLINE: 448-2707
People speak of money as though they understand it: what it does for them and how best to use it. But is that really the case? Is your financial status controlling you or serving you? What are you trying to accomplish with money? What is the best way to achieve your desired results? Whatever your circumstances, you will find it beneficial to discuss what money can and cannot do for you, where you got your ideas about money and how you use your attitudes about money to guide your handling of money matters. Participants will have an opportunity to share their feelings and experiences about money and to examine alternative attitudes towards it in a constructive, thoughtful environment.
About Dr. Dragana
Dr. Dragana Breberin is a clinical physiologist with an extensive, inter-disciplinary education and over twenty-five years of experience in helping a diverse range of people to become the best that they can be. In her experience, peoples’ perception of money is often mismatched with the true possibilities available to them with it. Money is an artificial construct therefore our attitudes towards it determine our experience with it. We have far more control and opportunity with our financial status
than most people realize.
Registration fee: $85.00 All registrations and payments must be received prior to September 19, 2002. Payments may be made by Cheque – VISA – American Express – Money Orders – or Cash or By PHONE: 448-2707, by mail to address above or FAX: 426-3459.