Multiculturalism 2002 Youth Forum. Published September 25, 2002

Multiculturalism 2002 Youth Forum. Published September 25, 2002

Sheraton Grande Hotel September 26-28, 2002
INFOLINE: Marilyn Kontz @ 488-8793
Free Registrations Available!

You’re invited to join a diverse group of young Canadians and share your vision for the future of our multicultural nation at the Multiculturalism 2002 Youth Forum. This conference will be held in Edmonton, at the Sheraton Grande Hotel from September 26-28, 2002.

The Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation appreciates that the cost of attending the Multiculturalism 2002 Youth Forum may be beyond the reach of many young Canadians. CMEF, in co-operation with our community partners, has a sponsorship program to make this opportunity available to as many people as possible There are still registration sponsorships available.

We encourage young people to take part in a series of workshops led by inspiring speakers from across Canada. Explore the roots of multiculturalism, discover where you fit into the picture, and learn how to combat racism and how to make a real difference in your community. Connect, network, and debate with other youth on topics you care about.
For more information, please contact Marilyn Kontz at the Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation @ 488-8793 or visit our website at:

PS. Registrations are still available and are $125 for the Forum (including lunches and a public speech by Stephen Lewis) and $15 for the banquet.