STRENGTHENING Volunteer Boards. October 2, 2002

Contributed By The Community Networks Group

Date: Saturday, October 5, 2002
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Place: Grant MacEwan College, City Centre Campus, Room 5-305
Registration Fee: $15.00
INFOLINE: 497-5616

As a board member of a non-profit organization, have you ever wondered: What are my legal and ethical responsibilities? What role do I play in governing our organization? How can our board organize its work fairly and efficiently to avoid volunteer and staff burnout? How can we develop policies that will help us make consistent decisions? How can we encourage teamwork between the board and staff?

If you’re a new board member wanting to learn more about your role, or an experienced board member wishing to enhance your skills and work effectively as a team member, this workshop is for you. Workshop content will focus on incorporated and non-profit organizations and is not appropriate for advisory boards. Limit of three board members per organizations, please.

To register contact:
The Resource Centre for Voluntary Organizations
Grant MacEwan College, 5-132, 10700 -104 Avenue
Phone (780) 497-5616 / Fax: (780) 497-5634 or (780) 497-5617

Sponsored by:
The Board Development Program
Alberta Community Development
The Resource Centre for Voluntary Organizations
Grant MacEwan College
The Muttart Foundation