Re: People’s Movement for Human Rights Education (PDHRE)
Human Rights are the greatest gift of contemporary thought to humanity. It is not only a vision for a better world, but also a tool for achieving it. Yet somehow, as we enter the new millennium, it is a term that has come to represent in the public mind not the hope of the future, but rather legal processes, charges and counter charges, and at times even, a certain empty rhetorical self-righteousness.
Since 1989, the People’s Movement for Human Rights Education (PDHRE), an international NGO, instrumental in UN launching a Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995-2004, has been developing, enhancing and facilitating worldwide training in human rights education at all levels of society.
Human Rights Cities: A Historic Innovation
PDHRE, drawing on its rich experience and perception of needs and capacities, with the enthusiasm of local communities, is facilitating the development of Human Rights Cities around the world. Inhabitants, local authorities, community agencies and institutions, NGO’s, non-profit human development societies, labour, professional associations, and neighbourhoods learn, reflect and act, joining to participate in the development plans of their city – guided by the commitments made and obligations undertaken by their governments having ratified numerous human rights Covenants and conventions ‘to assure that all laws, policies, resources and relationships in the community, maintain the dignity and serve the well being of all women, men, youth and children in the city’ …
Seven self-selected cities are presently implementing a Human Rights Cities Program. These are: Abra Indigenous Municipality (Philippines); Dinajur (Bangladesh); Graz (Austria); Kati (Mali); Nagpur (India); Rosario (Argentina); Thies (Senegal); and several more are in development in Ghana, Spain and Samoa.
In Edmonton, the John Humphrey Centre for Peace & Human Rights ( has invited Ms Shulamith Koenig, Executive Director of PDHRE for a 3 days visit at the end of November (27,28,29), 2002 and
she will be meeting with various community sectors and civic officials to explore the idea of working towards making Edmonton a Human Rights City!
Should you have an interest in this innovative initiative, daytime interviews can be arranged – kindly let us know in advance.
Warmest regards,
The John Humphrey Centre for Peace & Human Rights
Tel/Fax: (780) 474-6058
Cell: (780) 995-6819
PS. To learn more about the John Humphrey Centre for Peace & Human Rights, please visit: