The student/staff profile of those whose lives are involved with AU is a new column in The Voice. It is our hope that reading about those who are part of the make-up of what makes AU unique will draw our students closer together although we span countries and continents. We are a part of AU, and as such, we carry a common bond.
I hope you will enjoy reading about the students and staff at AU – and be inspired to participate in our new PROFILES column!
Voice: What province and city/town do you live in?
Laura: Calgary, Alberta, CANADA, North America, The Earth, The Milky Way:.
Voice: Do you have a family/ kids/ pets ?
Laura: My husband and an imaginary pug dog.
Voice: What are your hobbies / interests/ activities/ etc.
Laura: Sewing, writing, playing the lottery, learning the keyboard.
Voice: Can you tell us about the AU Courses you are taking at the moment, or a favourite course?
Laura: I have just signed for my second Psychology course Psyc 290. My favourite course will be an exotic “filler” course in Greek Mythology or was it Greek History?
Voice: How long have you been a student? (And where?)
Laura: I graduated MRC from an intensive one year course that is now defunct -Professional Writing Certificate. I have been with AU for almost one year.
Voice: What do you think of your courses/ the AU experience/ distance education?
Laura: I got my high school education in Ontario through distance ed. I wouldn’t study any other way!
Voice: Do you work? What do you do?
Laura: I do Craniosacral Therapy and am a Reiki Master.
Voice: How (or) Is AU helping you towards a goal?
Laura: There is a course in Biology I can take to assist me with my Cranio studies. I also believe a LOT of people put a great deal of merit in a degree:though why is beyond me!
Voice: What are your future goals?
Laura: To be able to feel proud of my educational achievements.
Voice: Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for other students?
Laura: Never let the grade average you get deter you from your goals. Churchill’s report card said he’d never amount to anything, and Einstein couldn’t pass any Math exams. It’s how you apply your learning that counts.
Voice: Anything else we should know? Funny stories about the dog eating your laptop/ praise for your favourite tutor/ recommendations for a course:.
Laura: Sorry, my imaginary pug dog does what it’s told and never pees on the floor! That’s why I have an imaginary pet!
Laura is also our newest weekly contributor to The Voice, and has been writing for us for several months now. You can catch all of her articles by typing her name into the Writer Search section of The Voice, and checking out her feisty temperament and fantastic twist of humour.
Anyone interested in being featured in AU Profiles should email Tammy Moore, Editor of The Voice at My thanks for your participation and readership!