November 30, 2002 7:00 p.m. @ the Provincial Museum of Alberta
Infoline: 432-0967 (or) e-mail:
The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society proudly presents Boreal Majesty, an Evening for Canada’s Northern Forests. This event features two eminent science writers, Dr. Wayne Lynch and Dr. David Henry. Both have volunteered their time to share with Canadians their unique experiences in the world’s most northern forests and both are well-published natural historians. As Canadians we take pride in our wild places and creatures and have an intense yearning to explore our wilderness areas. For practical reasons most of us enjoy exploration vicariously. Wayne Lynch and David Henry are giving Canadians an opportunity to explore Canada’s northern forests through their eyes. We are delighted to welcome you and your family, friends and colleagues to attend Boreal Majesty, an Evening for Canada’s Northern Forests.
Saturday, November 30 – 7 p.m. at the Provincial Museum of Alberta
Tickets are $10 in advance ($12 at the door) and can be purchased at the following locations:
Federation of Alberta Naturalists: 11759 Groat Rd.
Earth’s General Store: 10832 82 Ave.
WildBird General Store: 4712 99 St.
Mountain Equipment Co-op: 12328 102 Ave.
Audrey’s Books: 10702 Jasper Ave.
McBain Camera: 10159 101St.
For more information, please contact Jill Sturdy at 432 0967 or
(or) visit our website: