From: Action on Smoking & Health (ASH)
Re: Support a Smoking Ban in Restaurants, Bars and Lounges

Edmonton City Council is now considering amendments to the smoking bylaw to ban smoking in public places, including restaurants, bars and lounges.

Last year, City Council amended the existing bylaw to protect children from second hand smoke by banning smoking in public places where children are allowed, such as restaurants. Unfortunately the amendment that passed was not clear, and many restaurants took advantage by trying to have one part of their restaurant a smoking section for adults, and the other for families and non-smokers – without any separation between the two areas! Smoke drift remains a problem. Children are not being protected, and the Councillors are now revising the bylaw to close the loopholes.

There is another group of people living in our community who need protection. These people include the many who work in “smoking” restaurants, as well as bars and lounges. These people often work in smoke filled rooms for as long as eight hours a day – some even longer! These workers deserve protection. No one should have to work in a place that puts their health at risk. Many of these people are our young people – old enough to be working in a place filled with smoke, but too old to be protected by a bylaw focused on protecting the health of children.

The recent landmark decision by WCB to award Heather Crowe, a non-smoking Ottawa waitress diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, compensation for her work-related illness is a wake-up call to take measures to protect hospitality workers from the hazards of second-hand smoke. Please contact City Hall and tell them that you support a smoking ban in restaurants, bars and lounges to protect the health of hospitality workers – and all citizens – from the hazards of second hand smoke.

Call: The Citizen’s Action Centre at 496-8200
Or: e-mail all City Councillors at

E-mail your city councillor individually by using their first and last name (e.g. or call 496-8110 to speak to your councillor directly)

For further information contact:
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
Tel: 407-6819