Thousands of supporters around the country and around the world are busy organizing educational and awareness activities with the goal of ending men’s violence against women. Most people co-ordinate their activities around White Ribbon Days which runs from November 25th to December 06.
Schools, community centres, businesses, unions and faith groups participate by spreading the word through ribbon and flyer distribution, poster signings and fundraising events to help local women’s anti-violence organizations. Men wearing the white ribbon make the pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.
White Ribbon Days is a time for men to reflect on their attitudes about and behaviours towards women. It’s a time for men to become role-models to the boys in their life and show the importance of working for equality between men & women, and for leading a life free of violence. It’s a time to remember all the women who have lost their lives or who have suffered harms at the hands of men. It’s also a time for men to show their support for the women in their lives by taking a stand against violence against women.
To all our men friends, colleagues, acquaintances, neighbours, we encourage you to put on a white ribbon during White Ribbon Days and act as a catalyst for change in your community. Violence against women will never end as long as men condone it with their silence. To find out what you can do, please visit our website at: (or) contact us at 1-800-328-2228. Join us!