COMMUNITY NETWORKS GROUP: Maharashtra Seva Samiti Organization, Casa de los Amigos and The Fireweed Institute

COMMUNITY NETWORKS GROUP: Maharashtra Seva Samiti Organization, Casa de los Amigos and The Fireweed Institute

Community Networks Group is an Edmonton based organiztion that supports community programs locally and globally:


The Maharashtra Seva Samiti Organization [MSSO]

MSSO was established in 1984 by immigrants from the Maharashtra State in India. It is a volunteer based registered charity which helps grassroots volunteer groups in India implement projects, locally deemed appropriate to better the lives of the people there. MSSO assistance priorities are in vocational training, health care and family planning, water and sanitation, and sound environmental development. In addition, MSSO gives preference to projects which provide benefits to Adivasi (tribal) people, destitute women, and children.
MSSO insists that projects will be sustainable. Many projects, weaned from foreign assistance, are now paying for themselves. Three examples are:

Tribal midwives training project, begun with MSSO dollars, is now self-sustaining through user fees collected at the associated maternity hospital. A printing technology institute in Dhule, funded by MSSO to train students in printing technology, is similarly paying for itself by providing printing services to the surrounding area. A work centre for destitute women in Nashik, constructed with MSSO funds, supports itself through paid contract work from local industries. MSSO appreciates any contribution, small or big. A donation to MSSO is tax-deductible.

For further information:

Maharashtra Seva Samiti Organization
26-700 Ranch Estates Place NW, Calgary AB T3G 1M3
Tel: (403) 288-0048 / Fax: (403) 547-5471

Courtesy of the Community Networks Group


Casa de los Amigos is a Quaker Centre of hospitality, service and international understanding. We also manage a guesthouse where people come together to share ideas, time and space. By providing a space where people of different cultures and backgrounds come together, this program helps fulfill part of the Casa’s mission to promote peace and international understanding.

The Casa receives over 2,500 visitors each year from all over the world. Our guests are Quakers, people working with social organizations, volunteers, groups visiting Mexico to work on a service project, researchers and students, and travellers who come to learn about Mexico.

Accommodations are simple and we offer a unique experience that we hope our guests carry with them long after their visit to the Casa. We offer shared accommodations (separate sex dormitories) and private rooms.

Casa de los Amigos is a non-profit organization and we ask for a donation to cover costs. Please contact us for the current list of suggested donations. Guests of the Casa form part of our community and in order to benefit from and give to that community we ask that guests stay a minimum of two consecutive nights. We especially welcome groups visiting Mexico to work on social development projects.

The Casa offers a variety of spaces and services: a guest lounge and kitchen, library, information center (with publications and announcements on social justice themes and volunteer opportunities), video library and conference room, among others.

For further details:

Courtesy of the Community Networks Group


Money and Life: Making It Work

Five Mondays starting: Jan. 13, 27, Feb. 17, 24 & March 3, 2003

Time: 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. @ Robertson-Wesley United Church Memorial Hall (10209 – 123 St.)

Fee: $30 per workshop or $130 for all five workshops.

To register go to or call 433-1830.

The New Year is the perfect time to take a look at how we balance our need for money with other important values in our lives, such as living with meaning, time for family and friends and community involvement. The Fireweed Institute’s “Money and Life: Making It Work” course can help. Register now for this five-session course which explores how to let go of old ways of relating to money and create a plan for a healthy financial future, as part of sustainable living.

Session 1 – Money and You: Participants explore what money means to them and learn how to get a handle on how money comes into and goes out of their lives. This session is a prerequisite to all the others.

Session 2 – Money Messages from the Past: Participants examine their inner beliefs and emotions around money and how these affect behaviour. Cultural messages about money will also be explored.

Session 3 – Money in Your Life Now: Participants will have an opportunity to examine their spending patterns in detail and analyze how their actions with money relate to their personal beliefs and values.

Session 4 – The Practical World of Money: Concepts of spending, saving, borrowing and investing will be examined in detail so participants can identify changes they want to make in these areas.

Session 5 – Creating Your Financial Future: Participants will create a plan to implement changes in their finances within their current social context. Barriers to change will be examined and strategies developed to overcome barriers.

Instructors: Jackie Gendre, brings 15 years of experience as a Professional Home Economist, and Lori Thesen, brings 12 years of experience in banking and business education.

The Fireweed Institute is a non-profit educational institute dedicated to helping people find ways of working and living that are less stressful, more meaningful, and contribute positively to the Earth and the human family.

INFOLINE: 433-1830 / 464-1920

Courtesy of the Community Networks Group