2003 Bryon Paege Memorial Award – Call For Nominations

February 19, 2003

2003 Bryon Paege Memorial Award – Call For Nominations

CUPE Local 3911 is currently accepting nominations for the 2002 Bryon Paege Memorial Award. This annual $450 award, sponsored by CUPE Local 3911, is presented at the end of June in each year to a recipient selected by the Bryon Paege Memorial Award Selection Committee from among those nominated. The election committee is composed of two members delegated by CUPE 3911, one member delegated by AUSU, and one member delegated by AU Counselling Services. The Committee will make their best effort to select a worthy recipient from among those nominated, and their decision is final.

Bryon Paege graduated in June 1988 with a Bachelor of Administration from AU. Starting in 1990 he was employed by AU as a tutor, and worked in that capacity until his untimely death in 1995. He really lived the ultimate AU student dream, achieving his degree and then joining the AU academic community in giving his knowledge and expertise back to other AU students.

Bryon was a valued member of the AU family. He is vividly remembered by his sisters and brothers in Local 3911, and it is their intention that his achievements, contributions, dreams and passing never be forgotten.

Any AU tutor, AU counsellor, or AU student may make nominations for the Bryon Paege Memorial Award. Self-nominations are also acceptable. Tutor and counsellor nominators must obtain written consent to disclosure of personal information from their nominee. Self-nominations should be accompanied by a written reference from a teaching or counselling member of an academic community.

Nomination and consent forms are available at http://www.cupe3911.net/paege.shtml


A nominee must:
“¢ be currently enrolled in an AU course, or have successfully completed one within the six months prior to the nomination deadline;
“¢ have, in the opinion of the nominator, demonstrated courage and/or resourcefulness worthy of commendation in the overcoming of, or current coping with, some particular challenge or adversity in order to pursue distance education studies. Such challenge or adversity may include:
….”¢ financial adversity;
….”¢ being a member of a minority or marginalized group required to make challenging adjustments to mainstream Canadian academic culture;
….”¢ physical disability, or any challenging health problems, generally;
….”¢ personal loss (for example, loss of family member, loss of job);
….”¢ adjustment to a new country and culture;
….”¢ difficult family circumstances, past or present;
….”¢ other challenge that in the opinion of the nominator corresponds with the spirit of these criteria.


If you have any questions about this award, please direct them to donna@athabascau.ca or (780) 424-2915