THIS WEEK: AU Tuition increases & news about funding at Athabasca University. Debbie Jabbour gives us the scoop on what’s changing, what’s not, and some insights into the future of AU
A new AU Student profile on student Marilyn Oprisan, as well as her first fiction submission, Midnight Sun.
FEDWATCH – A New Direction. Let us know what you want to see.
CD and Film reviews, and much more.
Barbara Roberts Memorial
Book Prize Deadline Extended
New Deadline: April 15, 2003
Purpose: To recognize outstanding written work by an undergraduate student on topics on women, gender and feminism.
Policy: The Barbara Roberts Memorial Book Prize is awarded annually in recognition of outstanding achievement by an undergraduate student for written work on topics on women, gender and feminism. The award will be announced at Convocation. Recipients will receive a copy of a book chosen by the committee and inscribed with the prize name and date of the award.
Eligibility: All Athabasca University undergraduate students.
Criteria: Essays will be evaluated by the committee using the following criteria
“¢ the essay is between 2,000 and 2,500 words in length
“¢ the essay is literate
“¢ the essay is imaginative, thoughtful, critical and well written
“¢ evidence used in the essay is clearly documented
“¢ the author demonstrates an awareness of feminist analysis
“¢ Essays may be submitted by any Athabasca University tutor or instructor with the student’s written permission
“¢ The student’s written permission should include permission to post or reproduce and should include the student’s name, address, phone number and student identification number (please see submission form below)
“¢ Submissions should be made to the Women’s Studies Coordinator
“¢ Submissions should be in paper form and, where possible, in electronic form
“¢ Submit 3 paper copies
“¢ Essays should be typed, double spaced with ample margins
“¢ Only one submission per student will be received annually
Selection Committee: The Barbara Roberts Memorial Book Prize committee will consist of 3 members:
“¢ 1 full-time academic in women’s studies
“¢ one tutor in women’s studies
“¢ One full-time academic outside of women’s studies.
For more information please contact the women’s studies coordinator.