Men & Relationships
April 25 – 27, 2003
Infoline: 944-5542 / 944-5543
Men & Relationships is an intensive weekend workshop designed to assist participants understand their current relationships and life journey. Men who have survived separation, divorce, weekend parenting and other life challenges have helped develop a workshop-content that is flexible and relevant for our times :
The weekend is co-facilitated by seasoned social workers and by veteran men’s group members, and includes storytelling, self-discovery exercises, reflection time and small group discussions, hosted in a safe and friendly environment.
This weekend workshop offers an opportunity to explore, heal wounds, cope with current life challenges, take responsibility and start building a foundation for a better and healthier living. It’s for men who are choosing a new direction and are taking steps to become the person they want to be:
For more information or to register, please contact:
Dean McKellar 944-5542 / Tony Arcand 944-5543
The City of Edmonton Family & Community Services
‘War, Peace & Civil Society’
Dr. David Swan on The Crisis in Iraq
Friday April 11, 7:30 p.m. Free Admission @ St. Andrews Centre – 111 Ave. & 127 Street Infoline: 454-4385 / 432-4052
Could this war have been prevented? What’s the role of civil society after the war? How does Canada and the international community should respond to this tragedy? Where does the UN goes from here? What can I do? : Join us for a conversation and reflections by Dr. David Swan who has seen the devastation and suffering in Iraq and has been moved to act:
Sponsored by: Project Ploughshares Edmonton
PS. Dr. Swann also speaks at a one-day conference co-sponsored by Citizens for Public Justice and KAIROS on Saturday April 12 @ St. Andrews Centre. For details about this conference, kindly call: 455-4812 / 423-4085
Speaking of War & Peace
A conversation for those interested in peace-building
Saturday April 12, 2003 / Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. @ St. Andrew’s Centre 12720 – 111 Avenue Registration: $30 / students $20 (light lunch included) Info: 455-4812 / 423-4085
Speakers include:
“¢ David Swann, Christian Peacemakers & Voices in the Wilderness
“¢ Mark Vander Vennen, Practitioner of Peace-building & Conflict Resolution
“¢ Vanessa Ali, President HumanServe Canada
“¢ Tom Keating, Professor of Political Sciences, U. of A.
“¢ Melle Huizinga, Mediator & Pacifist
“¢ Patti Hartnagle, Women in Black
For detailed info & to register:
Jim Choles (455-4812)
Janet Wesselius (423-4085)
e-mail: janetwesselius@hotmail.com
Sponsored by:
Citizens for Public Justice http://www.cpj.ca
KAIROS http://www.kairoscanada.org
Courtesy of: The Community Networks Group © Tel/Fax: 474-6058 / Cell: 995-6819