Dear Sandra,
As a new AU student my life has been pretty busy. I’m always studying and that means my wife has had to pick up a lot of the slack. She is an amazing woman, wife and mother and this year I would like to get her an amazing Mother’s Day present to say just how much I appreciate all that she has done to support me in my studies. Any suggestions?
Grateful Husband in Calgary, AB
Dear Grateful Husband,
With Mother’s Day fast approaching (May 11th for all of you who forgot) you don’t have much time left, but sometimes the best presents don’t need much time to prepare.
In putting together an amazing present for your wife, money and materialistic things should not be your main priority. Expressing your emotions to show your gratitude will mean more to her than any bauble or jewel. To really see the tears flow from your wife’s eyes on Mother’s Day give her a gift from the heart. Spend an evening composing a letter to her that expresses your gratitude and your undying love for her. Many men have a hard time expressing emotions to their spouses, and many wives haven’t heard an expression of undying love from their spouse since before their wedding. With this letter your wife can read it over and over again and be reassured that you actually do have feelings.
Start off Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed. On the tray include the letter and a coupon for a day free from work and stress. You can give up one Sunday of studying to indulge your wife, right? After her breakfast you can give her a morning at the “family-run” spa. Run her a warm bubble bath; complete with candles and aroma, maybe even a glass of champagne and orange juice. After her bath, give her a pedicure. If you are not brave enough to try to paint her toes, just a foot massage will do! Next let her lounge around on the couch with one of her favourite magazines (that you have bought for her) while you and your children clean the house. Make her lunch and do the dishes. Afterward, present her with an afternoon to herself, rent her that girly movie she has been dying to see, pop her some popcorn, leave a box of Kleenex beside her and take the kids out for the afternoon. Return home, with flowers, and have her prepare herself for a meal out, with or with out children (book a babysitter now if you don’t plan to take the children). Then after dinner bring her home and let her have the remote for the entire evening.
All the effort you put into this day will really show your wife how much you love her and that you are willing to take the time to cater to her on her special day. An emotionally expressive gift like this, an entire day to be catered to, will mean more her to her than a pair of earrings she’ll never wear or a box of chocolates from your quick jaunt to Wal-Mart the day before.
Happy Mother’s Day Ladies!
This column is for entertainment only. Sandra is not a professional counsellor, but is an AU student who would like to give personal advice about school and life to her peers. Please forward your questions to Sandra care of