Who could imagine the original film Alien would be such a hit? Or that its sequel Aliens would kick butt a second time – and who could stay awake during Alien 3:what a snooze. I thought the series was going to be another Jaws situation when Alien Resurrection came out. I was wrong. The fourth film was a great recovery.
The tension has been found again. We’re freaked out again. Mind you, this is a devoted chicken speaking “? I hate horror films! Somehow the Alien series has always been an exception.
Our heroine, played again by Sigourney Weaver, is now a genetically reconstructed Ellen Ripley since two hundred years have passed since our last episode took place. The original Ellen gave her life in the last installment to destroy the alien. Now another company has come out looking for an alien specimen for themselves.
Using blood samples from the past and doing DNA cloning they take the queen alien from Ellen’s original body. The problem is there has been some genetic mixing during the tinkering while the new Ripley becomes confused in wondering how human she really is. Considering she is crossed with the alien creature she has a legitimate question. Meanwhile, on the military space vessel Auriga the experiment is taking place.
A group of mercenaries have brought special cargo consisting of live humans in hyper sleep chambers. These humans are to be used as hosts for the alien’s eggs. One mercenary is a woman named Call, played by Winona Ryder. Call knows a secret. She knows the scientists are planning to kill Ripley. When she finds Ripley, she discovers it’s too late. The newly developed aliens begin escaping and soon the deaths begin. At this point Ripley isn’t sure what she is so she joins the mercenaries to fight the creatures so that they can’t get off of the ship and reach Earth. However during all this a new species of alien is created. Being part alien herself Ripley is becoming connected to the new species. They are technically her own.
Some of the principle cast members in this film include:
Ripley played by Sigourney Weaver
Annalee Call………………………..Winona Ryder
Johner…………………………………Ron Perlman
Vriess………………………………….Dominique Pinon
Dr. Wren……………………………..J.E. Freeman
General Perez………………………Dan Hedaya
Elgyn…………………………………..Michael Wincott
I have ONE complaint in this film. When the big bad alien dude crawls into the shuttle pod just prior to lift off there is suddenly gore and blood. That doesn’t follow all the rest of its ummmm “performances.” Remember all the rest of the attacks? In every other moment we’ve watched this cranky creature it always opens it’s mouth in super slo’ mo’ before devouring its prey. So why the sudden departure? Actually, I can hear my beloved William Goldman patiently explaining that this is for timing. I understand:but I think I would have shot it differently. I think the mind is a dangerously active thing. We can imagine horrors far more imaginative than any camera can show us. That’s my argument and I’m sticking to it.
All in all the film is fantastic. Performances are well done and are very believable. I like the introduction of Winona Ryder and the new cast members to the film. (Of course what other choice is there since the creature keeps getting fed?!) I also respect the heck out of Sigourney for sticking to the film series as so many actors whine that they want other challenges and disappear from the films that made them a huge star!
Fans of the original two films can count on this being a monster (pardon the pun) improvement over the third film.
Laura Seymour first published herself, at age 8. She has since gone on to publish a cookbook for the medical condition Candida. She is working toward her B.A. (Psyc).