Survey On Student Barriers To E-Learning

This survey seeks to determine student attitudes toward taking courses online. AU currently offers several online courses, although most are still delivered through the use of print materials. Whether you have taken an online course or not, your input on this important survey is valuable. This survey is a project of UMBC in Maryland.

This message is for anyone who believes barriers exist to learning at a distance. Even if you have never taken a course online, or even if your organization is not presently involved in distance learning, please read on!

The obstacles students face appear to depend upon several things, including the stage or level of experience that the individual learner has developed regarding distance education. Therefore, research involving persons who are currently learning online and those who have never taken an online course is needed. (In fact, it has been especially difficult to gather information from students who have never studied online.)

We invite your assistance in further data gathering by completing the survey located at: