A Special General Meeting was held on October 15, 2003, to pass several changes to the proposed new AUSU bylaws, which had been requested by Alberta Corporate Registries. The bylaws were passed contingent on acceptance by Alberta Corporate Registries. Unfortunately, Corporate Registries has returned the bylaws with several more requested adjustments that they did not identify the first time around. We therefore need to hold another SGM to approve these additional amendments, which are listed below. All students are encouraged to attend. For further information or to book a teleconference line for the meeting, please contact the AUSU office at ausu@ausu.org, or by telephone 1-800-788-9041, ext 3413.
Debbie Jabbour, President
NOTICE, Special General Meeting, December 19, 2003, 1800 MST:
A Special General Meeting will be held on December 19, 1800 MST, to vote on the following two special resolutions:
1. BIRT, by special resolution, the current objectives of AUSU are replaced by the attached objectives, to take effect upon acceptance by Alberta Corporate Registries.
2. BIRT, by special resolution, the current bylaws of AUSU are replaced by the attached bylaws, to take effect upon acceptance by Alberta Corporate Registries.
For more information and supporting documents, see: http://www.ausu.org/agm/sgm.php
Getting together physically with fellow AU students adds to your university experience. Other students will be able to understand and relate to the joys and frustrations of distance learning. It’s also a way to stay abreast of information relating to AU and the Athabasca University Students’ Union.
See the Coffee Groups web page on the AUSU site, at http://www.ausu.org/coffee for a list of groups.
Anyone interested in starting up a group in your area (anywhere in Canada, from small towns to major centres) please contact SANDRA at smoore@ausu.org.
Do you remember your first few months at AU? Do you remember all the questions you had and the confusions you encountered? Every month at AU there are close to 1500 new registrations and these new students will be in the same boat you were once in. How about helping these students out by offering to be an AUSU mentor? AUSU mentors are “experienced” AU students who are willing to provide a little guidance and support to new AU students. If you are interested in participating in this new venture of AUSU’s or if you’d like more information please contact Sandra Moore at smoore@ausu.org
If you have a question for AUSU, or would like to get to know your council, drop by the chat-room [accessible through the ‘Message Forums’ option on the AUSU home page http://www.ausu.org. You will need an AUSU web site account.] Times are MST
Mondays at 8:00 PM; Councillor Karl Low