Dear Sandra,
How does one become an AUSU councillor? I think it would be great to be able to help my fellow students, and I’d like to become a councillor.
AU Student in Edmonton.
Dear AU Student,
The only requirement to becoming an AUSU councillor is being an AU student. It does not matter where you live, how old you are, what your previous experience is, or what type of program or course you are enrolled in. All you need is a dedication to making the lives of your fellow AU students just a little bit better.
AUSU Council is comprised of nine elected student officials. Over the ten year history of AUSU, councillors have ranged in age from their early twenties to their late seventies and have come from various cities and towns around the world.
In the spring of 2004 elections will be held and every AU student will be given the opportunity to run for the election. All students may also vote for the candidates they feel will do the best job of keeping their interests first and foremost toward university and government decisions regarding AU student issues, such as tuition increases or the recent Bill 43 issue in Alberta legislature. Interested candidates prepare electoral platforms; a brief bio of yourself and what you feel you could do to improve student life. This platform will be posted on the AUSU website and be included with all voting packages sent to AU students.
Councillors do most of their work via email and teleconferencing. As a distance learning environment that houses students from all around the globe, there are no restrictions as to the residency of an AUSU councillor. Councillors are expected to put in approximately 10 hours a month and are provided with a monthly honorarium. Each new council member is provided with a comprehensive introduction package to be used throughout their two year term.
Council members also come from all program areas; women’s studies, business administration, psychology, sociology, and professional arts. Check out the AUSU site at Read our by-laws and operating policies and cruise the site to see what AUSU has accomplished in the past ten years.
I encourage all students to take an active part in their student government and run for AUSU Council in the upcoming year. It is a great learning experience and an excellent way to connect with your fellow students. Keep checking the site early in the New Year when the call for elections is announced.
If you have any other questions or comments about being an AUSU Councilor contact the AUSU Council at
This column is for entertainment only. Sandra is not a professional counsellor, but is an AU student who would like to give personal advice about school and life to her peers. Please forward your questions to Sandra care of