We love to hear from you! Send your questions and comments to voice@ausu.org, and please indicate if we may publish your letter in the Voice.
Thank you to Shannon Maguire for giving a student perspective on the activities of the student union. I would like to address the questions brought up in the article. The following are personal observations and opinions and not necessarily the consensus of council.
1. Is the AUSU Council giving students enough information about their activities?
Right now, many provisions are being made to inform all of you about Council activities. Maybe there are some policies that you do not agree with, maybe you don’t even know what the policies are. Check them out on the home page under “AUSU Bylaws”. If you want to know what is happening within Council check out the online meeting minutes under “AUSU Council” or attend a Council meeting. It is not up to Council to decide if we are giving you enough information, it is up to you to decide. Check out all the documents available to you and make an informed decision.
2. Does the AUSU Council need to change the policy that states that motions of reprimand and/or removal are private documents?
Motions of reprimand and removal are serious charges. Should AUSU members be informed of the whole process? That is a difficult question. Again, review meeting minutes and other available documents and let us know what you think.
3. What is the impact of these events on the image of the AUSU Council?
AUSU Council is working on a continual basis to develop new services and improve on the current ones. That being said, how do you see the current Council? Do you feel free to criticize or make comments about council activities? Do you feel you are being presented with all points of view? If you feel something isn’t right, speak up! Complacency is never an alternative to criticism.
With elections coming up it is interesting to note that not one person on the current council was elected by the student body. Not enough people ran for Council to necessitate an election so whoever ran got on (other than Teresa Neuman, Ryan Wagner and myself, we were voted in by Council to fill vacant spots). Although Council does a great job serving the students, and AUSU offers vital student services, maybe it’s time a democratically elected council serve the students.
Stacey Steele
AUSU- Councillor
Please see this week’s Editorial Page for an opportunity for students to have input into this issue.