Thank you, AU Students

We love to hear from you! Send your questions and comments to, and please indicate if we may publish your letter in the Voice.

I offer a heartfelt thank you to the undergraduate students of Athabasca University. You have given me the greatest gift – a three-year gift, actually – of allowing me to serve as the AUSU Vice-President. The time spent on AUSU Council has been the most personally fulfilling three years I have experienced.

University is an educational experience, and in some ways serving on student Council was even more educational than learning from books. Every person or situation I’ve encountered during my time on Council has taught me something. I learned that when representing students their interests should not be compromised in the face of opposition, and that opposition sometimes comes from unexpected sources. I’ve learned that you can’t solve every problem students may have, but being there for them with a caring attitude goes far in helping them through difficult times.

I’ve also learned that AUSU is in capable and caring hands led by the Executive members, Mac, Teresa, and Karl; Council members Joy, Cindy, Stacey, Lisa, Shannon, and Lonita; and staff, Mark, Tamra, and Christine.

My thanks to all those with whom I served on Council over the last three years. You’ve taught me much, and for that I’m grateful. My appreciation to those who are taking AUSU to greater heights and uncharted adventures over the next two years. May your time on Council be as pricelessly fulfilling as mine was.

Shirley Barg

Thanks Shirley. On behalf of The Voice I wish you the best of luck with your future plans. On behalf of AU students, thank you for three years of service as a student representative in the often taxing and difficult job as VP of our students’ union!