Have you been looking for something to do with all those books you have laying around that you can’t keep for whatever reason? BookCrossing is one of the more unique ways to simply give your books away.
The idea is to register your books with BookCrossing.com, then give them away to a friend, charity, or even release them into the wild for strangers to find. Before you do so, you mark down the BookCrossing ID in the cover so that the person who finds it knows to go to the BookCrossing site and hopefully leave a brief note about the book’s whereabouts; maybe they’ll even have read it, and will add a little commentary about the book they found. When you’re done with the books you find, if you’re not going to keep it, give it away to a friend or leave it in the wild for another stranger to find and enjoy.
No book is too big or small for this project, too general or too obscure; you could even leave your texts out for people to find – there might be an eager student who needs what you’ve left for them to find.