RE: Heather Gardiner’s response to Modern Sexism – June 2, 2004 – v12 i22

RE: Heather Gardiner’s response to Modern Sexism – June 2, 2004 – v12 i22

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RE: Heather Gardiner’s response to Modern Sexism
June 2, 2004 – v12 i22

Being able to respect someone’s opinion whether or not one agrees with it is a great strength. Therefore: In response to Heather’s comments:

She’s right on the button. The article was a vent piece, and throughout the whole experience I did learn quite a lot. However, what I learned is that there are a lot of people in the world who wish to stop women from gaining ground in the workplace, for whatever reasons (which do not matter). From my perspective, University magazines/newspapers are meant as a source for student to find out what it going on in the world. Gender Discrimination is going on in the world. In my defense, I’d submit similar pieces in the future, however biased. Everything is SUBJECTIVE. A strong bias is the foundation of an interesting opinion.

Regarding Heather’s difficulties in finding employment in her own field, I’d suggest that she’s given up too easily, most likely because someone else was more “qualified” that she. Keep trying for it girl, we’ll bust through the wall someday.

J. Jensen