Taking Notes: Eye on Education – How Much do You Want to Make

Taking Notes: Eye on Education – How Much do You Want to Make

This column focuses on a wide range of issues affecting post-secondary students. Students are encouraged to submit suggestions and educational topics they are concerned about, or personal experiences with courses or university situations they feel other students should know about. If suggest a topic or a course alert for taking notes, contact djabbour@ausu.org

How Much do You Want to Make

Ever wonder what your chances of employment are once you’ve achieved your degree? Which jobs pay the best? Where should you direct your energies when it comes to learning? In Alberta, at least, there is help at: http://www.alis.gov.ab.ca/wageinfo.

The website lists average annual salaries for selected professions in Alberta, high and low wages, and percentages of available jobs. The database allows you to submit your dream salary and see what professions might suit you. For example, I entered a yearly wage of $100,000 and came up with only two possibilities: financial/business manager or dentist. Dropping my wage expectations by just a little, to $80,000 a year, I now have several other options, including lawyer, real estate agent, chemical engineer, and computer and information systems manager. Of course, these are average wages based on 2003 statistics for Albertans, and don’t necessarily reflect what you will earn with any particular degree, profession or trade.

The site also provides useful information regarding demand, how many jobs are expected to be required in the near future, and descriptions of education and training required for different occupations.

There are similar sites for other provinces, but the Alberta one is by far the most useful and informative. Here are a few others:

Ontario employment: http://www.on.workinfonet.ca/english/index.cfm?cat=4&sub=54
Canuck Careers: http://www.canuckcareers.com/content/resources/index.cfm?id=57
Salary.com http://www.salary.com/salary/layoutscripts/sall_display.asp
BC employment: http://workinfonet.bc.ca/