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Adventure! Teach English Worldwide. Get TESOL Certified in 5-days. Study In-class, Online or by Correspondence. Travel & Earn $$$. Job Guarantee. Find out more at or 1-888-270-2941.

Are you interested in sharing the AU student experience? Want to get together with other AU students for a coffee, to share stories of being a student, or just for fun? Then one of our coffee groups may be just the thing! Scattered wherever AU students are living and studying, groups of students are getting together to do just that. Check out the Coffee Groups page on the AUSU website to see if there’s a group already meeting in your area. If there isn’t, why not consider starting one up yourself? Enjoy a fuller student experience and join a coffee group today!

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY AND REIKI. Tired of sore shoulders, back or neck? History of injury or overwork causing chronic pain? Stop treating the short term… treat long-term with Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki. Laura Seymour–level 4 graduate of Upledger Institute and teaching assistant. Calgary, (403) 262-5589