Flicks & Folios – Film Review: Crop Circles: The Cosmic Connection (1997)

Flicks & Folios – Film Review: Crop Circles: The Cosmic Connection (1997)

When I think of the crop circle phenomenon I always ask myself about the people they are consulting and how many naysayers they hear. I was very surprised about this particular film. There is a rich supply of information and naysayers are limited simply because they have no answers either. Crop Circles opens with some of the most stunning views of so many different “circles” that it is a great visual tour de force. The producers also ask many questions and seek true answers with concrete details. I like a program willing to do that.

There are fascinating details in this film regarding the specifics of crop circles and each are well described. There are a number of individuals who need to be mentioned. I wish I had the column space to credit all of them. There are professors and experts in biology as well as circle researchers who fascinate me. There is a group of people who were to be in one location researching circles but by accident were on the wrong side of the hill when a number of fascinating phenomena happened. They all reported the same experiences and one man stated; “if this was a carefully orchestrated hoax it was brilliant because we weren’t supposed to be there!” The rationale was well delivered.

In case anyone hasn’t thought this out, “crop circle” is now a rather outdated term as so many of these patterns are anything but circles. One amazing pattern was pinwheel shaped and had 149 circles! It became a favorite pattern to dazzle visitors. It was the most visited and complex pattern at its time of appearance in 1996. There were many who stated that 1996 was a climax point for crop circles in England.

Comparisons were made and theories were given about the style changes around the world. One Oregon circle appeared to be rather spindly and North American Indian in style (frankly, I thought it looked faked). The English circles are far more computer template-like in their extreme precision and details.

Mathematical details are brought into play and boggle the mind on their possible meanings. But they also cite a perfect way to spot a faked circle. Faked circles often have far less precise lines such as broken corn or wheat and do not have the intricate woven pattern. Batteries on cameras do not die and embryo changes do not occur. These experiences are interesting.

Biological details of genetic changes in the crop embryos are fascinating and the likelihood of their natural appearance is discussed. The Doug and Dave phenomenon (two men in England claiming to make all circles) is explained and bashed to pieces nicely, including the famous bar buddies’ claims being tested. The pair apparently had no knowledge of many of the nightly appearances of circles and many experts immediately dubbed their claims “unbelievable.”

The analysis of the physics explanation of a crop circle’s formation and the details of its development are amazing. Who has studied “gravitational radiation”? Apparently little is known about this phenomena but the theory is it would require waves of energy compressed and expanded in space and time and thus would cause matter to vibrate!! This is how they theorize a circle would form by non-human method. So neat to wrap my head around!

The pace of this film can be slow and can be a bit dull but I found it very informative and richly diverse on locations and viewpoints so I have to recommend it. But small touches (like the perfect clarification of the meaning of U.F.O. and a clear analysis of a reported film of a circle formation) make this an incredibly well put together project.

Let me know if you’ve seen this project and liked it.

Laura Seymour first published herself, at age 8. She has since gone on to publish a cookbook for the medical condition Candida. She is working toward her B.A. (Psyc).