Dorothy Day
Dorothy Day was born in Brooklyn New York, into a Protestant family. At the age of 31, after much spiritual searching, Dorothy converted to Catholicism. In 1932 Dorothy met Peter Maurin, with whom she cofounded The Catholic Worker Movement. The Catholic Worker Movement is comprised of hospitality houses located in over 185, primarily rural communities. It is staffed by volunteers who are guided by the teachings of Jesus. These houses provide clothing, food and shelter to the needy. The Catholic Worker Movement published its first newspaper May 1, 1933, which sold for a penny a copy. The price remains the same today. Dorothy was the editor of this paper until her death. She contributed over 1000 articles to The Catholic Worker. As well, she wrote eight books, one entitled “Loaves and Fishes” which was Day’s account of the rise of The Catholic Worker Movement. Dorothy Day died November 8, 1980 and shortly after a controversy began about whether she should be canonized a Saint by the Church.
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