Editorial Pages

Wearing my Breakfast

Pardon me while I scrape a little egg off my face.

I promised you all that the Voice was being held pending the release of some budgetary information from AU that would let you all know how the tuition increases and new Alberta subsidy would be affecting you in 2005/06. I do have quite a bit of info on this, but had to wait for the final numbers and the official release of this info, which was to have been released today.

However, the information has not yet been released (or I did not receive it) so I am unable to provide the promised story. I know, I know, this happened a few weeks ago when the new President was announced, and I unfortuntely did not get that info on time either … I should learn. Then again, if there is a good chance of breaking news that seriously affects AU students, I will hold the paper until I can print that news, and on occasion, things might not happen on schedule, especially when information is coming from external agencies.

Rest assured, your questions will be answered and by the next issue, I hope to be able to tell you what your 2005/06 tuition rates will be, what other fees are going up, how Premier Klein’s subsidy will affect you, and changes to the tuition and fees of out of province students.

Wanted: Reference Checker and Copy Editor, Part-time

The Voice is seeking an AU student with a little free time each week to perform online reference and link checks and to pre-format articles. The successful applicant will have their own computer and reliable internet access and be experienced with searching the web for text and links, navigating complex websites, and formatting web links for the shortest possible route to a page. Strong writing and referencing skills are also a must. The applicant must also have a copy of a recent version of Microsoft Word and be very comfortable with formatting text in that program to set line spacing, margins, fonts, etc., and must be familiar with Word’s reviewing tool.

Work must be completed on Monday of each week in your own home and is expected to take about five hours per week to start. Inquire with voice@ausu.org for more information.