This week, a message from AUSU
New AUSU Executive Elected
Sooner than expected, AUSU has a new executive. The new President and VPs were elected at Monday’s regular council meeting, just before the Special General Meeting, which was attended by several AUSU Members. AUSU had recently been working on a plan to re-elect the executive each year, which would address a number of issues. All elected AUSU Council members serve two-year terms, and the executive is elected by council at the first regular council meeting after a full election. This means that executives must commit to a two-year term, though the workload for executives is much higher than for regular council members. For some executives, the time requirement may be too significant. Also, new council members may be reluctant to run for the executive because they are not yet familiar with council, but after a year may be quite comfortable with taking on additional responsibility. Therefore, the idea of holding a yearly executive election has been supported by the majority of council.
As recently reported, VP External Teresa Neuman recently left AUSU to pursue other goals, so according to AUSU bylaws council had to elect a new VP on Monday. The yearly election of the executives was to take place on the first of April. However, President Mac McInnis decided to step down Monday morning, requiring council to also fill his position that night. Since two executives were being elected at the meeting, council decided it would be wiser to hold the full election last night. VP Finance Karl Low agreed to step down and put himself up for re-election to facilitate the plan, and Karl also chaired as the interim president (for a day). According to the rules of the midterm executive election, all current executives are free to run again for their current positions, and the executive could still serve for a full two-year term.
Your new executive is:
President: Lisa Priebe
Vice President External and Student Affairs: Lonita Fraser
Vice President Finance and Administration: Karl Low
Both Lisa and Lonita have been members of AUSU Council for nearly one year, and are very familiar with council procedures. Karl Low remains in the position he has held for the past 15 months. The changeover period is expected to be minimal, and council is proceeding with business as usual. Council would like to assure the membership that the recent departures have not been acrimonious. We wish Teresa all the best in her future endeavors, and will continue to enjoy working with Mac McInnis in his new position as a council member without portfolio.
Wanted: Reference Checker and Copy Editor, Part-time
The Voice is seeking an AU student with a little free time each week to perform online reference and link checks and to pre-format articles. The successful applicant will have their own computer and reliable internet access and be experienced with searching the web for text and links, navigating complex websites, and formatting web links for the shortest possible route to a page. Strong writing and referencing skills are also a must. The applicant must also have a copy of a recent version of Microsoft Word and be very comfortable with formatting text in that program to set line spacing, margins, fonts, etc., and must be familiar with Word’s reviewing tool.
Work must be completed on Monday of each week in your own home and is expected to take about five hours per week to start. Inquire with for more information.