Scholarships & Awards


The Government Finance Officers Association’s Frank L. Greathouse Government Accounting Scholarship of $3,500 is available for award to one or more senior undergraduate students enrolled in full-time study preparing for a career in state and local government finance. The winner of the Government Accounting Scholarship is invited, as our guest, to attend the Government Finance Officers Association’s annual conference, where the award will be presented.

Completed applications and other correspondence about the scholarship programs can be sent to:

Scholarship Committee
Government Finance Officers Association
203 N. LaSalle St., Suite 2700
Chicago, IL 60601-1210

Eligibility: Full-time student in an undergraduate or graduate accounting program who is preparing for a career in state and local government finance. Undergraduate students must be in the process of completeing at least their junior year by the time the scholarship is awarded. Citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada. Recommendation by student’s academic advisor or the chair of the accounting program. Students who are past winners of a scholarship administered by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada are not eligible to apply.

Web site:

Amount: $10,000
Deadline: n/s

1)The Daniel B. Goldberg Scholarship of $10,000 is available for award to a graduate student who is enrolled in full-time master’s study preparing for a career in state and local government finance. This scholarship is funded by the Girard Miller Foundation. The winner of the scholarship is invited, as out guest, to attend the Government Finance Officers Association’s annual conference, where the award is presented. Completed applications and other correspondence about the scholarship programs can be sent to:

Scholarship Committee, Government Finance Officers Association
203 N. LaSalle St., Suite 2700, Chicago, IL 60601-1210, (312/977-9700)

Currently a full-time student in a graduate program that prepares students for careers in state and local government finance and expecting to be enrolled in the spring semester of the year for which the scholarship is awarded (including graudates of that spring semester). Baccalaureate degree or its equivalent.

Citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada.
Recommendation from student’s academic advisor or dean of the graduate program.

Student has not been a past winner of a scholarship administered by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada are not eligible to apply.
Web site: