Constance M.K. Applebee, (1873-1981)
Constance M.K. Applebee was born February 24 in Chigwell, Essex, Great Britain. Applebee became well known for introducing and promoting Women’s Hockey in the United States. At this time hockey had already become a popular sport in England. Applebee went into the field of physical education because she had been a fragile child and believed this would help her to become physically stronger, and overcame her earlier limitations to go on to help found the “United States Field Hockey Association.” As well, she produced and was editor of “The Sportswoman” magazine. Applebee’s other achievements include opening the first hockey camp, “Tegawitha,” in Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania. During World War II she raised enough funding to be able to have four ambulances shipped to England all bearing the inscription “Donated by the Women Hockey Players of the USA.” Applebee lived a long and productive life and was 108 at the time of her death on January 26, 1981.
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