The All-Time Top 100 Voices in the Movies
I am in no way surprised by who’s at number one. Are you, punk?
Movie Primers
Get your film geek on with these little primers on films, genres, and other related stuff. Sound cool at the next party, but beware, if you’re at that party with me and use the word “postmodern” in any even halfway serious manner, I’ll beat you with hot buttered popcorn.
100 Second Film Festival
“The 100 second film festival is the festival for everybody. What do we mean? First off, at 100 seconds – anybody can create a video and participate. There are no restrictions on theme or subject matter – whatever you have in mind – you can do it! Secondly, all the entries we receive will be published to the web and catalogued so that you can hand pick your own favorites and screen a 100 second festival in your community. By using a Creative Commons license this festival can go anywhere.”
Film Scripts
There’s a very curious collection of films here.
10 best rock movies ever made
Awww, no Rock’n’Roll High School? The old punk in me is saddened.
Silent Film Still Archive
The silence of stills from the silent film era. A lovely collection.
The Math in the Movies Page
A guide to major motion pictures with scenes of real mathematics – and there’s way more there than Pi, A Beautiful Mind, and Good Will Hunting.
Guess the Movie
Bodies removed, only the clothing and scene remain. Can you guess what films these stills are from?