Scholarships & Awards

Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) Student RSVP Awards
Value: $500, CMA membership, Strategy Magazine profile and subscription
Application Deadline: Varies

Must be attending any Canadian college or university in business, marketing, commerce, advertising or design. Must not be currently employed in a marketing-related position. Must submit marketing or creative campaign based on selected case study. Applicant must be coached by professor / instructor.

Deadlines are June 9, June 30 and July 21
Entrance fees vary depending on time submission
For further information please visit the website posted below

Contact: Canadian Marketing Association (CMA)
Web Site:

Michael Luchkovich Scholarships for Career Development
Administrator: Alberta Scholarship Programs
Award Amount: $2,000.00

Must have been working full-time in Alberta for a minimum of three years. Program of study may be up to six months of full-time study or up to one year of part-time study. Deadlines are December 1st, April 1st and August 1st.

Contact: Alberta Scholarship Program
9940 – 106 Street, 9th Floor, P.O. Box 28000, Station Main, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4R4
Phone: (780) 427-8640
Fax: (780) 422-4516
Web Site:
Application Address: