Cold Hard Winter – A Response

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RE: A COLD HARD WINTER by Jamie Czerwinski

While I applaud the sentiments voiced in this article, I cannot entirely support the author. Having recently renovated an old home that did NOT have utilities, I am somewhat conversant with the costs of alternate energy sources. I would differ specifically with the cost of ground source heating/cooling systems- 15000 dollars is a beginning price for the drilling of two wells and then the installation of the requisite equipment. If they do not hit water, another well is drilled, and another. At $25+ per foot drilled, the cost of such a system can mount frighteningly. Wind power is unreliable, solar panels still too expensive, and deep cycle batteries require a separate building for storage (so add that to the cost too!)

We sincerely wanted to get off the grid. But it was too darned expensive. Electrical hookup cost $925.

From a transportation standpoint, if more people would limit their driving within the cities they would not only save on gas, parking etc, but would substantially improve their air quality. Me, I drive an SUV. But I live in the bush. No one in Toronto needs an SUV, except maybe the fire marshall or the police. If people would turn off their dryers, and hang the laundry outside, think of the kilowatt hours we could save (apartment dwellers excepted for obvious reasons.)

Just my thoughts.

Barbara C. Rielly