AU has launched an exciting new initiative to assist students and more efficiently utilize AU resources. “Electronic letters (e-letters) is a new feature that will enable undergraduate students to view certain letters online – registration, withdrawal, extension, exam, and final grade, to name a few.
The process took more than a year, was worked on by eight staff members from the Registrar’s Office and Computing Services, and the program was extensively tested by a number of volunteers. A FAQ web page will answer any questions and another web page describes what e-letters are. Existing AU students will be informed of the new e-letters service and asked if they would like to begin receiving electronic copies of letters. Log in to MyAU to make your choice. AUSU supports this new development as an environmentally friendly and cost-conscious option. We also note that many students contact AUSU asking how to obtain tutor contact information after hours. With e-letters, when a tutor information letter is lost, you will be able to access it again right away online!