AUSU Course Evaluations
Would you like to know what your fellow students have thought of an AU course? If so, you are not alone. Many students find the input of their peers invaluable when selecting courses or a program of study. AU students may not have cafeterias and hallways in which to share this knowledge, but AUSU has provided an alternative: AUSU Course and Program Evaulation surveys. Accessible through the “Course Evaluations” link on the right side of the top bar of, these surveys ask a series of questions about AUSU courses and programs. Each student many rate each course or program only once, to ensure the validity of the results, so you must be logged in to access a survey form. Anyone, however, may view the results. If you haven’t already, please rate some courses you have taken so that others may benefit from your experience. Note: these surveys are not the same as the ones that AU distributes with their course manuals. No AU staff or faculty member has access to the AUSU website, nor can they determine who has filled out a survey. Your anonymity is assured.