Administered by Supporting Our Youth and governed by a board of Trustees, the Bill 7 Award was established in 1988 to provide financial support to lesbian and gay students in post-secondary education in Ontario.
To qualify for the Bill 7 Award, applicants must:
– identify as part of the queer community (gay, lesbian, etc.);
– be enrolled in or accepted by an Ontario post-secondary institution (including colleges, trade apprenticeships, massage therapy schools, universities and any other program that leads to a certificate or degree);
– in financial need; an Ontario resident.
The size and number of the Award varies each year; for example, in 2004, 3 awards were presented for $1000 each. Completed application forms may be mailed to SOY, or emailed to info@bill7award.ca
Web address: http://www.soytoronto.org/bill7.html#award
The Christopher Reeve Foundation National Peer Program Scholarship will allow the selected CPA Peer Support participants, volunteers or employees the opportunity to further their education at a post secondary institution. Five scholarships will be awarded this Fall in the amount of $2,000 each. Successful recipients will be selected based on academic standing, merit and financial need. Click on the pdf form below for the full list of criteria and to download an application form, or contact contact Jennifer Arkell at CPA National: jarkell@canparaplegic.org
Application: http://www.canparaplegic.org/pdf/1/CRF_Peer_Scholarship_Application_2006.pdf
Web Link: http://canparaplegic.org/national/level2.tpl?var1=story&var2=20060426121930
Would a $500 scholarship help you reach your post-secondary education goals? If so, read on…
CPA administers the Copnick/Hilliard Scholarship–a $500.00 award provided annually to a post-secondary Canadian student with a severe mobility impairment. The scholarship is provided from a Trust Fund contributed by the families of the late Morton Copnick and the late Craig Hilliard.
Deadline: August 31st of each calendar year.
In addition to being a resident of Canada with a permanent severe mobility impairment such as spinal cord injury, recipients must demonstrate outstanding initiative and scholastic achievement.
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that all necessary documentation, such as letters of reference and transcripts of the last two years of study, are received by the selection committee prior to the August 31st deadline. Applicants are encouraged to submit up to three letters of reference. These letters should address the applicant’s outstanding initiative, scholastic achievement and potential contributions to persons with a severe mobility impairment. Evidence of the applicant’s disability status must be verified by a physician or other qualified health care professional (i.e., physician, rehabilitation counsellor, nurse, etc.) and submitted with the application.
Once you’ve completed the form, please mail to:
Copnick/Hilliard Scholarship Fund Selection Committee
C/O Jennifer Arkell
Canadian Paraplegic Association
1101 Prince of Wales Drive, Suite 230
Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3W7
Web Link: http://canparaplegic.org/national/level2.tpl?var1=story&var2=20020508131518
Value: Twenty-four (24) bursaries worth $1,000 CDN each
Application Deadline: December 31
Description: Scotiabank is pleased to offer up to $24,000 in cash bursaries through the Scotiabank ScotiaLine® Personal Line of Credit for Students – Bursaries program. This scholarship contest recognizes that the cost of education in Canada continues to rise, and that Canadian students may require alternate sources of funding. Students should use the scholarship money towards the pursuit of post-secondary educational goals, be it for tuition, books, study abroad, research studies or other.
This award is open to most Canadian Residents who have applied and been approved for a Scotiabank ScotiaLine® personal line of credit for students. The winner will be notified by phone and/or email.
The bursary consists of a credit of ONE of the following:
1. A One Thousand Canadian dollar ($1,000.00 CDN) credit to a ScotiaLine® personal line of credit for students.
2. If a winner does not have a ScotiaLine® personal line of credit for students, they will receive a one-time prize of One-Thousand Canadian dollars ($1,000.00 CDN).
Web address: http://www.fundyourfuture.ca/default.aspx?sid=1&pid=13&srcid=site&sa_token={1AA53A82-988A-44A3-869C-6CF04E603009}
Value: Full tuition and text books for 1 year
Application Deadline: August 1
Description: For Canadian residents, excluding those who live in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland, who are planning to enroll or are currently attending a college or university that is recognized by the Association of Universities & Colleges of Canada, The Canadian Association of Independent Schools, and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges
Instructions: For further information, please visit the website posted below
Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp.
Web Site: http://www.greyhound.ca/en/
Administrator: APEGGA Education Foundation
Award Amount: $2,000.00
Award Deadline: Friday, July 15, 2006
Notes: Intended to assist the children of APEGGA members to pursue a post-secondary education. Based on academic achievement with significant weight placed on accomplishments in other areas. Must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants. Contact for more information.
Web Site: http://www.apegga.org/members/ScholarshipsAwards/millenium.html
Deadline for submission: July 15th
Recipients Selected by APEGGA Honours & Awards Committee
APEGGA offers six scholarships to individuals who are within two years of achieving a B.Ed. and a B.Sc. degree in mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, geology or geophysics. This may take the form of combined dual degree or a degree after. The $2,000 scholarships, for each of two years, are given to teachers or prospective teachers who, in the opinion of the interview panel, will “fire the imagination” of the student in mathematics, physics or chemistry. Applicants who are short-listed will be asked to attend an interview in Calgary or Edmonton when they will be expected to make a ten minute presentation on a topic of their choice.
To Apply
1. Arrange for a letter of reference as per the form.
2. Obtain a transcript of the results of your most recent year of formal education. If we do not receive your official transcript with your application, the application will not be considered.
3. Submit by July 15 the completed signed form, along with the letter of reference and your official transcript, to APEGGA – Attention: Education Scholarship.
Web site address: http://www.apegga.org/members/ScholarshipsAwards/scheducatio.html
Administrator: Insurance Brokers Association of B.C.
Award Amount: $2,500.00
Award Deadline: September 01, 2006
Notes: Awarded to applicants in second-year of university. Applicants must be related to an individual employed in the insurance industry. Contact for more information.
Web Site: http://www.ibabc.org
E-mail: tlancelyn@ibabc.org
Application Address: http://www.ibabc.org/pdf_files/hamilton_scholarship.pdf
Sponsored by: Co-sponsored by Alberta Scholarship Programs and the Prairie Baseball Academy.
Value: $1,000
Eligibility: Applicants must be Alberta residents and enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution in Alberta. Applicants must be a participant in the Prairie Baseball Academy and must have achieved a minimum average of 75% in their previous semester.
Application: Application forms are available from Alberta Scholarship Programs, and from the Prairie Baseball Academy.
Deadline: October 15
Phone: (780) 427-8640
Email: scholarships@gov.ab.ca
Sponsored by: Funds for these awards are sponsored by Alberta Lottery Fund and administered by Alberta Scholarship Programs. The scholarship was established in honour of Jimmie Condon.
Value: $1,800
Eligibility: Applicants must be Alberta residents and be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate, professional or graduate program at a university, college or technical institute in Alberta. Students in upgrading programs may qualify after completing one semester of upgrading. A nominee must be a member of a designated sports team or a member of Provincial Disabled Athletic Team recognized by the Alberta Athlete Development Program.
Selection: Students must be maintaining a practice or training program acceptable to their coach. Applicants must have maintained a minimum average of 65% in their previous semester. Students entering the first semester of post-secondary study do not have to meet this requirement.
Application: Individual coaches nominate students.
Deadline: November 1
Disbursement: Two disbursements of $900 each. The first one in December and the second one in March.
Audience: Athletic Students, Graduate Students, Post-Secondary
Web site: http://www.alis.gov.ab.ca/scholarships/info.asp?EK=30
Sponsored by: This program is funded by the federal department of Canadian Heritage and administered by Alberta Scholarship Programs.
Purpose: To assist Albertans in pursuing post-secondary studies taught in French.
Value: $500 per semester
Eligibility: Applicants must be Alberta residents, Canadian Citizens or Landed Immigrants, and plan to register full-time in a post-secondary program of at least one semester in length. In addition, applicants must be enrolled in a minimum of three courses per semester which have French as the language of instruction. Application forms are also available from Alberta Scholarship Programs, and from the Student Awards Office at Alberta post-secondary institutions that offer programs taught in French.
Deadline: November 15
Web site: http://www.alis.gov.ab.ca/pdf/scholarships/StudiesFrench.pdf
Sponsored by: Northern Alberta Development Council
Value: $500 to $1,500 depending on financial need. If you receive the Northern Student Supplement, your student loan will be reduced by an equivalent amount.
Eligibility: You may receive the Northern Student Supplement if you: are a northern Alberta resident; have high financial need; are in your first or second year of post-secondary training; attend an institution participating in the Alberta Opportunities Bursary (AOB) program.
Selection: Depends on financial need.
Students must complete a Northern Student Supplement application form.
Deadline: None
Web site: http://www3.gov.ab.ca/nadc/Bursary/application_forms/NSS%20App.pdf