S.L.A.P. Update
Kim’s Update, July 28
Hello All,
Just a quick note to let everyone know how we are doing. Training has been very hard the last month with injuries and illness testing our commitment. It would be easy to just throw in the towel but we have received some very heartbreaking e-mails and none of us can quit in good conscience. We have touched people and that was all we asked to be able to do. With grace and wisdom I hope…
This note is to thank the many people that have stood by us from the beginning and showed us so much support. First is the Gateway Gazette — without their encouragement it would have been hard to maintain the level of personal commitment we had to. My university (Athabasca)’s on-line student paper, The Voice — the editor of that paper did the same with the updates they ran weekly. Both papers will never know just how inspirational it has been to know that others have been able to be touched by our journey. The Diamond Valley Boys and Girls Club assisted with child care as needed during our long training period.
We have received donations from local and national artists of their work. The S.L.A.P team will be raffling the art off. As soon as the tickets become available I will contact the Gazette and Voice. The artists who have donated their works are:
Julie Hunter Denoncourt – Black Diamond; Ted Mayer – Winnipeg; Garry Jones – Black Diamond. Dean Mayer, donated a limited edition print: wild horses by Cythia Fisher
The tickets will be one for $2.00 or three for $5.00. Only 5000 will be sold. All proceeds will benefit the Shelter. The Art can be viewed on Heather’s personal site http://deathracer2006.spaces.msn.com/
Kim Anderson, Leg 4 runner
Canadian Death Race, S.L.A.P Relay
We are five normal, everyday ladies, all mums and two grandmothers, in training for this year’s Canadian Death Race, a gruelling endurance race of 125km spanning over 24 hours and covering three mountains in Grande Cache, Alberta.
Why would we put ourselves through this? To raise money for Eagle Women’s Emergency Shelter in the Foothills of Alberta, raise awareness, and help stamp out domestic violence. We have never tried anything like this but feel very strongly that domestic violence is out of control and needs to be addressed. Now.
It’s a frightening fact that almost everyone knows someone who has been a victim of either physical or mental domestic abuse. We believe that increased exposure can help make victims aware that there are numbers they can call for help, and there is no need to suffer any longer. We also feel that domestic abuse and violence is a taboo subject that no one likes to acknowledge and this needs to change. Victims feel humiliated and ashamed and we need to let them know it is ok to talk to someone and to get help.
We are now in full training for the race, and although before this all any of us had ever run was a bath and a temperature, we are determined to do as much as we can to help stop domestic violence. This is a very hard and gruelling race, but with the help and support from each other we hope to complete it and to raise as much money as possible for the shelter. If our hard work only helps one person get out of a frightening situation and gives them the strength to rebuild their life, then it will all have been worth it. Our team name is SLAP – Stop Letting Abuse Prevail. We have a team website with photos and information on each runner and about the shelter: http://www.runforsafety.bravehost.com
We hope you will support us in our quest to stop domestic violence. The race takes place on the August long weekend, beginning Saturday the 5th at 8am and ending Sunday the 6th at 8am. AU student, mother and death-racer, Kim Anderson.