Click On This – Shutterbug

One thing I’ve noticed about carrying a camera is that it gives you–truly–a third eye. You cannot help but see: see more, look more closely, and find subjects in things you might otherwise pass by. This week, then, are a couple of collections of photographically related links.

People – A selection of sites of photographers and photographic collectives, whose subject matter ranges from the surreal to the simplistic, from the portrait to the peculiar. Some content may not be suitable for everyone. Please surf with caution.


Canada Photo Series

Alec Soth

Michael Wolf

No Barriers Photography

Luke Stephenson

Things – What to do with the photographs after you’ve taken them? Why not consider some of the options below.

Camera Toss (The Blog)
If you toss it away, you never know what it might come back with.

Don’t keep those snaps to yourself; share them with the world!

Digital Image Cafe
Camera reviews, artistic chat, forums, contests, and more, all combine in this one-stop photographers’ shop.

Digital Camera Reviews and News
Want a little more info on a camera, its capabilities, or something else relating to the digital photographic arts? This is one place to start searching for your answers.

PDN Online
“Award-winning monthly magazine for the professional photographer, has been covering the professional photographic industry for over two decades. Every month, PDN delivers unbiased news and analysis, interviews, and portfolios of the latest photographic work.” (PDN Online)

Make your own business cards, photo cards, or mini cards, from your own photographs or choose from a pool provided on the site. This site integrates with Flickr (, LiveJournal (, Vox (, Second Life (, and many more.