Art, like beauty, may be in the eye of the beholder, but there is no denying that what follows are some truly nifty fruits of the creative seed.
With five packs to choose from (so far), these digital sweets are a treat for the eyes. Sit back and watch them transform and mutate.
Mr. Picassohead
Who says you can’t paint just like Pablo? Okay, so maybe you really can’t, but this website will let you do a pretty nice job of faking it! Why not print out your masterpiece and tack it to the fridge?
A (nearly) monochromatic drawing tool that lets you draw anything you want–so long as it’s red, white, or black.
Explore the history of this enjoyable pastime. I wish I still had any of the ones I did when I was a kid; I even did one on black velvet.
Too often, methinks, we don’t consider this tiny canvas, or a myriad of other pragmatic tools, in their more aesthetic sense. This site is proof that good things do indeed come in small packages.