Dog days aren’t just for summer anymore. The worldwide pet market is valued at around $4 billion dollars, and It’s no exaggeration to say that some pets are treated like royalty. From dog hotels to airlines just for Fluffy, here’s a look at some of the ways people indulge their furry companions.
Dog yoga, anyone? Or, if your four-legged friend is a little more adventurous, you can always sign him up for surfing lessons on California’s Coronado Bay. Afterwards, you can throw a birthday party, a ?Bark Mitzvah,? or even a pet wedding.
Whether your pet has health problems or you just want to pamper her a little, this interesting video offers some basic pet massage techniques from a certified animal massage practitioner.
This Newsweek feature demonstrates just how far some people will go to pamper their pets. There’s the CatCam, a device that gives owners a collar-eye view of their cat’s wanderings, the Puppoose (carry your dog like a purse), and plenty of other ways to spoil Fido.
Each spring, Long Beach, California, hosts the Haute Dog Easter Parade. Dogs in Easter bonnets, dogs dressed in bunny costumes, and dogs nestled in baskets of Easter eggs: if the mere thought already has you saying ?Aww!,? this slideshow is for you.