Pursuing your education can be a complicated (if exciting) venture: choosing a university, filling out enrolment forms, picking classes. And It’s even more daunting if You’re trying to navigate the complex world of student loans.
If You’re new to the process (or still wondering if student loans are right for you), CanLearn is a government portal that may help make the process easier.
From loans to grants to scholarships, CanLearn offers a variety of tools to answer your questions. A short video on the homepage outlines the basics of the student loan system, and there are tools to help you estimate just how much your education will cost before you even begin applying for loans.
Other sections walk you through the details of repaying student loans after graduation. The Continuing Education section includes a Q&A database geared toward adults thinking of returning to school.
There’s a wealth of information here, and even if the site doesn’t answer your specific questions you’ll find links to other resources that might, including a variety of partner organizations and the National Student Loans Service Centre.