Letters to the Editor – In Conversation with Dinuk Wijeratne

Letters to the Editor – In Conversation with Dinuk Wijeratne

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Re: ?In Conversation With: Dinuk Wijeratne, Part II? by Wanda Waterman St. Louis, v18 i18 (2010-05-07)

This young man displays a wisdom beyond his years. His interaction with music occurs at a level few can understand, but fortunately, many can appreciate and enjoy. His directorial style demands excellence from those he conducts, while he has the ability as a teacher to draw out the best in those under his tutelage, enabling them to?eventually?satisfy his demanding standards.

These skills have found a home with the Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra, just as the serenity of this place, and ?the personal qualities of the people here?warmth, an easygoing nature . . .? have allowed this gifted musician to feel so much at home in Atlantic Canada.

David Richey