Click of the Wrist – Call of Adventure

Thanks to the upcoming Civic Holiday, cities will empty as vacationers take advantage of the long weekend. But relaxing on the lake isn’t for everyone. These people spent their leisure time on the road of high adventure; their day-by-day accounts make an exciting read for outdoor enthusiasts, whether armchair or otherwise.

Bicycle for One

From Fairbanks, Alaska, to St. John’s, Newfoundland: several years ago, Mike had the vacation of a lifetime when he undertook a cycling trip across Canada. His cycling log, with many photographs, is a gripping panorama of the Canadian land and people.

Two if by Sea

16-year-old Abby Sunderland’s bid to become the youngest person to sail solo around the globe was cut short this past June after a storm in the Indian Ocean snapped her boat’s mast. Her account of her travels, accompanied by photos and videos, is exciting?particularly when you consider Abby’s age! Also worth checking out is the blog of her brother, Zac Sunderland, who similarly chronicled his 2008-09 solo sail.

Hit the Road

For the past few summers, B.C. resident Dana Meise has been pursuing his dream of hiking across Canada via the Trans Canada Trail. Meise started in Newfoundland, and is currently trekking through Ontario. His webpage includes photographs, videos, and a link to his Facebook page, where he’s received messages from the various people he’s met along the way.