As the semester progresses, assignments and essays start piling up. And although many find their coursework stimulating and rewarding, It’s frequently the writing process That’s the biggest challenge. But there’s hope: if academic writing is your Achilles heel?or even if you just want some clarification on when to use a semicolon?consider visiting Athabasca University’s Write Site, a fantastic resource offering a wide variety of writing aids.
The online resource, intended both for struggling students and for those who want a refresher, was created to ?develop independent writers . . . and . . . encourage and support good student writing across the University.?
Resources range from a grammar handbook to guides on the essay writing process and the art of critical thinking and writing. There are also quizzes and drills for further practice.
In addition, Write Site offers personal assistance through its writing coach program. Students can submit a coursework assignment, and a writing coach will provide them with feedback on grammar, mechanics, organization, style, and research and critical thinking skills. Coaches will not edit assignments or comment on their content, however. Further guidelines for the Writing Coach Dropbox can be found here.