Did You Know? – MERLOT

Do studying and Merlot mix? They do if we’re talking about the web-based MERLOT, also known as Multimedia Educational Resource for Online Learning and Teaching, a ?continually growing Open Educational Resource (OER) of online teaching tools and support resources.? The free resource, a project of California State University, is a goldmine for those who want to supplement their online learning or teaching experience.

Learning materials are often linked to outside websites, and include everything from simple articles to involved presentations with audio and video components.

Students will enjoy browsing the resources in their study areas or in areas of personal interest. Best of all, they can guide themselves toward the more effective teaching tools by reading the comments and reviews made both by other users and by the Peer Reviewer Board in that discipline.

On the verge of graduating? MERLOT also provides opportunities for networking with colleagues across various disciplines as well as the chance to participate in the larger learning community as a peer reviewer or virtual speaker. It also co-sponsors a conference on online learning.

MERLOT can be a bit overwhelming due to the vast array of resources it contains. For a more detailed guide, view the tutorials on its YouTube channel. Or, to get started, visit the main page.