Social networking is often scorned as a time-waster, but the Einztein Social Learning Network is a different matter. Whether You’re looking to pick up basic Mandarin, refresh yourself on broadcast journalism norms, or supplement your accounting class, Einztein will help you pursue your formal and informal educational goals.
The resource, freely available online, offers a portal to ?explore free online courses? from institutions like Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Michigan. The user-friendly platform also links to shorter resources, such as the BBC’s news writing style reference guide.
Course topics range from natural resources governance to literature to calculus, and offerings are ?delivered by any combination of text, audio, video and other media.? Although the courses are diverse in subject and manner of delivery, all have been carefully chosen by Einztein’s editorial department ?based on their completeness and quality.?
But the best is yet to come. Currently, Einztein is developing tools to expand the ?social? aspect of its learning network. It hopes to roll out the updates soon.