Click of the Wrist – Hot Stuff

The days may be getting shorter, but the temperatures certainly aren’t giving any indication that we’re on our way to December. Air conditioning, shade, cool drinks, or feet in a bucket of water?we’ve all got our preferred methods to beat the heat. What better opportunity to learn a little more about temperatures high and low? Pull up a chair, grab an ice-cold drink, and surf these links.

Air to Spare

High temperatures may make us feel lazy, but the molecules in the air around us are busier than ever. We know that higher air temps make the mercury (or other coloured liquid) in the thermometer expand and rise, but the reason why this happens is a little more complicated. USA Today explains the process simply and well.

Up and Down

Sure, Renaissance-era meteorological instruments were things of beauty and practicality (even if they didn’t match the precision of modern thermometers and barometers). But today’s versions are pretty cool, too. If you’ve ever wondered how modern thermometers are made, watch this video from the Science Channel.

Convert Me

If Celsius and Fahrenheit still confuse you, check out this handy online converter. It also describes the scale differences between the two, and explains that wacky mathematical formula used to figure out the conversion by hand.


Show the heat who’s boss and make your own simple thermometer! PhysicsCentral has the directions.