At Home: Lost and Found
Discovering lost shipwrecks can be a pastime both fascinating and moving. At the same time it can also be frustrating to try to understand the story of a submerged wreck. Whether It’s from initial impact or due to deterioration over time, the remains of ships are often in very poor condition.
However, as The Globe and Mail reports, a 105-year-old wreck was recently found deep in Lake Ontario?and It’s surprisingly well preserved.
The coal-bearing Queen of the Lakes, which sunk after springing a leak during a ?stiff gale in November 1906,? came to rest about ?60 to 90 metres? below the surface near the southern shore of Lake Ontario.
However, even after all this time the ?three masts . . . still stand erect,? largely thanks to the ?calm, frigid? waters surrounding the wreck. As undersea explorer Jim Kennard told reporters, ?When you have a temperature of . . . 39 degrees (3 degrees Celsius) and You’re at a depth where there’s no wave action or current,? only organisms like zebra or quagga mussels would ?damage the wood.?
Mr. Kennard is a shipwreck enthusiast and ?has helped find more than 20 wrecks in the Great Lakes? alone?and another 180 in other waterways.
Around the World: Good Mood Food
Got the blues? Chances are you feel drawn toward an unhealthy snack. Comfort food is aptly named: it really does seem to make us feel better, even if in the longer term it’ll hurt us physically. But is the effect all in our heads? According to recent research, maybe not.
As The Toronto Star‘s reports, a new study suggests that eating a fatty treat ?boosts mood, even when you don’t know you’ve eaten it.?
In order to bypass the senses, the study’s participants were ?given a . . . solution through the stomach.? They were unaware whether their solution contained fatty acids or whether it was simply a saline solution.
The researchers ?induced a darker mood? through sad music and pictures, and monitored the participants? reactions. The results: those who ?unknowingly had the fatty acid in their stomachs . . . reported feeling 50 per cent less sad.?
Regardless, the researchers do not recommend seeking out junk food as a panacea to life’s woes. Although, as endocrinologist and study co-author Giovanni Cizza told reporters, we ?do that anyway.?